Name: Jal Kendal
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 170
Race: Mystical Being / Human appearance
Group: None
Clan: Former Lin Kuei
Side: Neutral
Eyes: Icy Blue
Hair: Shoulder length jet-black hair that is put in a pony tail
Weapons: Throwing knives and Dragon Head Katana
Powers: The ability to manipulate energy and deadly accuracy
Fatality one: He pins their arms and legs against the wall with throwing knives and then he creates an energy wave
that burns their skin off on contact
Fatality two: He slices there throat with the Katana and then makes a clean cut down there abdomen exposing their
A former member of the Lin Kuei clan, Jal Kendal was through into exile by his clan for betraying them. He began
to wonder around the plains of the realms in search of something. He seems to be neutral throughout the invasions into Earth.
Raiden for one is hoping he might join them in their quest to destroy evil. Will he join them? None know the reason of why
he was exiled and none know his purpose or what he wishes to achieve. He might long for revenge or power. However, he is one
soul Raiden will try to get on the side of good. Only time will tell which side this warrior will truly align himself with.