The Official Mortal Kombat Story Website.
Character Bio's

mortal kombat



Welcome graphic 

Welcome warriors from distant lands.
You have been summoned here,
To fight a battle long foretold.
You will unite...or you will fall.
Your destiny lies before you.
Will you accept the path it lies before you?
If so, then join us and unviel your worth to us.
Warriors of the realms...I salute you.
Welcome to the home that is...
Mortal Kombat.
"Petros Yanden, the light mage."


Welcome to the Official Mortal Kombat Story Website.
For those who know not of why this site was created, this will tell you a bit of whom created it and why I created it.
First off, this site is dedicated to the users of and those at The Realm of the Warriors. It is been created to see the coming of the new Mortal Kombat story written by me Petros Yanden, and made by the users of and myself.
All the original Mortal Kombat characters will be in the story and it will also include the characters made by users of both sites.
This site will include a links to both and Scorpions, Realm of the Warriors site which I am a member of both sites. From the Realm of the Warriors you'll be able to recieve information to the Mortal Kombat games to your hearts delight. The best Mortal Kombat information site available on the net, including a great Forum society.
From you'll also be able to get great Hints and Cheats for all the MK games and news on future releases. Also a great forum society at
Here you will be able to see all the character bio's and clan/races bio's according to their storyline within the story we are creating. Some characters will have the same storyline as the game, though most will have a changed storyline. I also have my forums in which you will be able to find game cheats and many other topics.
Some of you might say that this is not the best setup. However I will remind you all that this is the beginning of this site and I am hoping to have it updated and change the layouts every so on. It will be a site to grow on.
I have at last gotten permission to add bother the and the Realm of the Warriors site logos and links to this website. I have added links to a special links page I have created. So do check them out in the links page on the left menu bar. For now, please bear with the site as it gets up and running. You may however register in the forums.
If you do register, you will need to fetch your password from your e-mail before you can login. You may then change your password from your profile section.
From Petros Yanden, the light mage. I welcome you all to our home of Mortal Kombat. I hope that you will enjoy it here.
Fare thee well warriors of the realms.
"Petros Yanden, the light mage."

Mortal Kombat Australia